Helping is easy! You can serve in many different ways. Whether it’s Prayer, a donation, a child sponsorship or a short term mission trip. You too can help break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage through Christ!We look at serving in 3 very necessary levels. All levels though different are instrumental in breaking the cycle of poverty and disadvantage.

Level 1:
Relief and Assistance

Offer assistance through prayer, donations of time, money or supplies to alleviate immediate needs.

Can be done from a distance with no long-term relational investment.

Provides immediate, short term results with no significant long-term impact.

Donate Christmas gifts, school supplies, or food. Serve on a mission team trip. Provide disaster relief.

  • LiFT Sponsorship
  • Clothing Donation
  • Food Donation
  • Monetary Donation
  • Tool/Equipment Gifts
  • School Supplies
  • Christmas Gifts
Level 2:
People Development

Train, equip and empower individuals to alleviate poverty or suffering in their own lives.

Requires building relationships and a long-term investment of time.

Results take longer to achieve but are longer lasting. Impact is focused on one person at a time.

Sponsor a student. Serve on a full immersion mission trip. Tutor or mentor a student.

  • LiFT Sponsorship
  • Short term Mission Trip
  • VBS Volunteer
  • Camp Volunteer
Level 3:
Community Development

Work for long-term systemic change to restore entire neighborhoods or communities.

Focus on the “big picture”. Long-term commitment of time and resources.

Results are incremental and often slow in coming. Impact is focused on an entire community.

Church partnering with Vida Nueva Ministries to equip, train and develop leaders to make an impact in their community.

  • Full immersion Trip
  • Internships
  • Work at a VNM School

If you’re interested in serving in any capacity, contact us at for further information and instructions.